How to find a trustworthy computer repair NYC tech
Nowadays, there are a lot of PC repair companies that may be dishonest. It's common for people to worry that their computer repair tech may be overcharging them or telling them more work needs to be done to their computer than needed. However, there are many signs that help us less-technical individuals figure out whether your computer tech is legitimate. Here are some tips. Ask for their certifications. Read up on whatever certifications your PC repair company claims to have. Ask them where they were educated and how long they've been in the computer repair industry. It's okay to ask for proof of certification. If your computer repair tech seems to have little experience or doesn't have any certifications, pass on him/her. Find out their rates for a basic installation or upgrade service. Ask your PC repair tech what the company would charge to perform a basic installation like a new hard drive. If they respond with a number that seems significantly higher than